Trial Projects for Paint Production Experiment

1. Mapping of Digital Twin Offerings with Requirements
Matching Digital Twin requirements with capabilities of offering using semantic inference.
2. Mapping of Data Assets with Requirements
Matching Data needs with Data Assets using semantic inference.
3. Chating with Digital Twin of Warehouse
Interpreting the status of the warehouse and enalbe queries e.g. using chat bots
4. Chatbots using Speech and Text Recognition
Simplify the interaction of Service Trial 3 and 11 by using speech input / output instead of writing it.
5. Process simulation with fuzzy logic
Fuzzy Logic an alternative simulation algorithm to the multi parameter discrete event simulation of production process
6. Process simulation with a multi-agent system
Multi Agent System as an alternative simulation algorithm
7. Image Recognition for material status approximation
Introduction on image recognition with convolutional neural networks for approximating the material status.
8. Reliability Assessment of Material Status
Assessing and modeling the reliability for different material sensors - counting, approximation, weighting.
9a. Workflows to steer a Robot Arm
Model the movement of a robot arm using a workflow. Define assessment criteria for the workflow.
9b. Workflows to steer a Robot Arm
Model the movement of a robot arm using a workflow. Define assessment criteria for the workflow.
10. Workflows to steer a mobile Robot
Model the movement of a mobile bot using a workflow. Define assessment criteria for the workflow.
11. Material and Tool Tracking via Chatbots or simulations
Asking a chatbot on the location of a particular tool or material and / or simulate the time for the next working steps.
12. Process Mining with CELONIS
Process mining is used to support the analysis and evaluation of business processes. Identify patterns in the logs and develop feedback how to react.